sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Self Interest Information.



Today young people are increasingly difficult to control, they smoke and drink very young destroying themselves

- in order to understand the different changes and acts I can read psicodiagnosis.es
understand them and encourage them to stop smoking and drinking alucinógenas substances is one of the greatest achievements in life


Activities I like and dislike doing alone, with my family or friends.


Activities I like and dislike doing alone, with my family or friends. 

In the collage it shows clearly the activities that i like perform with my family, friends and single.

My daily routine

My daily routine.

What is my house like?

What is my house like?

My house is big and red color with white. There is a living room, a dining room, a big kitchen,  a bathroom, , a fridge and a washing machine. In the living room there are some pictures on the walls, two sofas. There is an armchair, a TV, a coffee table, a beater, a blender and a stove. There are four windows, tree rooms but it does not have doors also there are four beds, six curtains also two computer and a garage